The CARs are biodiversity, we are regional environmental authority
About us
Law 99 of 1993, "By which the Ministry of the Environment is created, the Public Sector in charge of the management and conservation of the environment and renewable natural resources is reorganized, the SINA is organized and other provisions", in title VI, "Regional Autonomous Corporations", the modality of creation and transformation of the CARs is defined. Article 33 of the aforementioned Law, "Creation and transformation of Regional Autonomous Corporations", establishes that seven corporations will retain their name, headquarters and jurisdictions (CARDER, Corponariño, Corponor, Cortolima, CRQ, Cornare and CVS), in addition, it creates 11 corporations with the delimitation of their jurisdiction (Corporinoquia, Corantioquia, Carsucre , CAM, CRA, CAS, Corpoboyacá, Corporchivor, Corpoguavio, Cardique Cardique and CSB), and modifies the jurisdiction and/or name prior to the issuance of the Law to eight corporations (Corpamag, Corpocesar, Corpoguajira, Corpocaldas, CRC , CVC, CAR and CDMB).