We are marine coastal biodiversity and climate change

Learn how CARs contribute
to the fulfillment of the country's goals
Ensure that, by 2030, at least 30 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas, as well as marine and coastal areas, are conserved and effectively managed. This would be achieved through ecologically representative, well-connected and equitably governed systems of protected areas (...) respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Kunming Montreal
Minimize the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on biodiversity and increase its resilience through mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures, including through nature-based solutions (...)

Seaflower Biosphere Reserve
Seaflower was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 2000 by UNESCO's "Man and Biosphere" program. It is located in the Western Caribbean in Colombia, and covers the entire Archipelago Department of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. It has a total area of 180,000 km2, of which only 57 km2 is land, and includes 3 major islands, 7 cay islands and several shoals and banks. (Source: Seaflower foundation-CORALINA)

Biosphere Reserve
Northern Darien Chocó
UNESCO declared the Darién Norte Chocó Biosphere Reserve within its World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The new biosphere reserve is located between the municipalities of Acandí and Unguía and comprises an area of 301,625 hectares, of which 185,371 are on land and 116,254 in the sea. CODECHOCÓ
Colombia has 321 regional protected areas. Of these areas, the Regional Autonomous and Sustainable Development Corporations have declared more than 97%, covering more than 4 million hectares, providing invaluable ecosystem goods and services, such as climate and water regulators and habitat for native and migratory species.

12 Autonomous Regional and Sustainable Development corporations that exercise marine-coastal competencies. These have advanced the restoration of 3,532 hectares of mangroves (Asocars Survey)

Get to know some of our experiences

Seaflower Biosphere Reserve
Declared in 2000 by UNESCO's "Man and Biosphere" program, it covers the entire Archipelago Department of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. It has a total area of 180,000 km2, of which only 57 km2 is land, and includes 3 major islands, 7 cay islands and several shoals and banks. (Source: Seaflower Foundation-CORALINA)